Sunday, June 14, 2009

Today's Entree Is... BRAINS!

On June 7, Kaemie made her acting debut. She is an extra in the locally produced, independent film, The Dead Can't Dance. Enjoy the pictures of "Punk Girl Zombie."

Some direction from the A.D. (that's Assistant Director for you non-film types). Craig was GREAT! He really took care of the zombie extras.


Practicing the Zombie walk!

Kenna had to get in on the act.

We are all getting a little loopy. Kaemie had been at the shoot location since 11:00 am. This is about 10:00 pm. We ended up staying until 3:00 am. We all looked like zombies by then.

Even Zombies text.

Back to make up for a touch up.

More blood!

She's got the look!

Purple Ducks - by Kenna

A Photo Essay by Kenna. There are no purple ducks, but this is the title she came up with and who am I to question her artistic genius.

This is her new purse.

These are her new braces.

This is her "cell phone."

Clean apartment and stuffed Chimp.
Front and back of her ring.

The scar on her leg.

Wii Games.

And the black hole I didn't know existed in my apartment. Leave it to Kenna to find it! Good job, Kenna!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Messages from a Zombie!

The last six text messages from Kaemie:

Eek. It's almost time.

How fun!

Right now I'm waiting for costume. They're gonna bloody me up and tear my leggings.

I got to shred my leggings. The guy said it looks like I died and mice chewed on me.

Lookin good. I just got dirtied.

It's scary here!

If you haven't guessed, Kaemie got a part in the movie she auditioned for. She will be a zombie extra. She won't be paid, but she'll get screen credit. I'll post pictures later! Here is a link to the films website:
and the creator's blog:

Kenna's "New Legs"

Ugh. I hate not getting to blog more often. Since I have no computer at home, and the internet police have set up new guards around my work internet, I will only be blogging randomly. At my second job I have more freedom but I only work there on Sundays. I am going to make an effort to at least get one post a week done. I will miss doing Random Tuesday Thoughts and Friday Fill Ins, but maybe I can make it somewhere to get those done.

And... speaking of working two jobs... I've volunteered and been volunteered for some extra shifts. I finally thought about it and realized I have not had a day off since the Saturday before Memorial Day. Has that been two weeks? I don't even know.

Well, I am lying to you a bit, I did have the Tuesday after Memorial Day off, but I drove to Kansas City and back (three hours each way). That Tuesday, Kenna got her casts OFF! And not put back on!!!! She spent the next couple of days yelling "OUCH!" whenever I got near her. For background, Kenna was born with Spina Bifida. She has done well her whole life and has been able to walk with leg braces. Unfortunately, over the past few years, her left foot has turned out, and her right foot has turned over. She was basically walking on the outside of her right foot. This is the "long story short" part. I found a surgeon who scheduled the surgery as quickly as he could. He cut her left tibia and turned it so the foot was straight and pinned the bone back together. On her left foot he did that and also lengthened her tendons. She had temporary casts on for two weeks, then we went back and had those taken off and new ones put on. She spent two weeks in those and then we went back and she had x-rays done, the old casts taken off, and new ones put on. Those were on for a month. So... Yeah! No more casts.

After getting the casts off, Kenna and I went down to the orthotics shop and had her new leg braces casted. The following Friday we drove BACK to Kansas City to get those new braces. They are beautiful! I'll post pictures soon. Kenna tried to stand up, but she has been off of her feet for two months and her little legs just shook! But since then she is trying to walk and even going up and down the stairs to our apartment and at grandma and grandpa's house. She is much more pleasant to be around than she was the last two weeks of not being able to move on her own. She is finding her independence and spirit again and I'm being reminded of what a strong little girl she is. She starts physical therapy tomorrow.