Saturday, March 22, 2008

We All Just Wanna Be Rock Stars

The girls dressed up like rock stars and took loads of pictures. Such hams! Hopefully I'll have more from this photo shoot soon!


I'm excited about starting a blog. I just hope I can keep it up. I've been know to start things and never finish them. I plan on doing this to keep a journal of my life. It is not exciting to many others, but it is to me. Some notes about me which will probably be the topics I blog about:

I have two girls, Kaemie and Kenna (me + them = three girls).
I refer to the girls as my "squirrels."
I have two cats, Swirly and Puzzle (two cats).
I live in a small apartment in the midwest (now you get the title).
I am a liberal-leaning democrat.
My family members are all conservative-standing republicans.
I often want to leave the dinner table when the political and religious discussions begin.
I don't leave the dinner table when the political and religious discussions begin.
I like to tell stories.
I like to talk about my kids. Kaemie is 15 and has developed the drama that comes with being a teenager. Kenna is 8 and comes with built in drama.
I am sure I will have more to talk about soon, and I hope anyone who stops by enjoys my stories.