Saturday, March 22, 2008


I'm excited about starting a blog. I just hope I can keep it up. I've been know to start things and never finish them. I plan on doing this to keep a journal of my life. It is not exciting to many others, but it is to me. Some notes about me which will probably be the topics I blog about:

I have two girls, Kaemie and Kenna (me + them = three girls).
I refer to the girls as my "squirrels."
I have two cats, Swirly and Puzzle (two cats).
I live in a small apartment in the midwest (now you get the title).
I am a liberal-leaning democrat.
My family members are all conservative-standing republicans.
I often want to leave the dinner table when the political and religious discussions begin.
I don't leave the dinner table when the political and religious discussions begin.
I like to tell stories.
I like to talk about my kids. Kaemie is 15 and has developed the drama that comes with being a teenager. Kenna is 8 and comes with built in drama.
I am sure I will have more to talk about soon, and I hope anyone who stops by enjoys my stories.

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