Sunday, November 1, 2009

Oh! I Have Missed You!

I have missed my blog so much. Being without a computer SUCKS! That's right, I said SUCKS! I haven't posted any birthday pictures, humorous or tragic stories, or fascinating updates on my life in months! Luckily, I'm the only one who cares.

Today is November 1, and you know what that means! Oh... you don't? Ok, November is National Novel Writing Month. Check it out at and find out all about it. The simple explanation is that it is time to WRITE A NOVEL - in thirty days. 50,000 words in 30 days. I've "participated" for three years and never succeeded. I hope to change that this year. Even without a computer. I'm hoping that working 3rd shift one night a week will give me about eight hours to get some writing done. Yup, that's why I started to blog again today - so I could procrastinate on THE VERY FIRST DAY! I suck. But here I go, I'm going to get started on this now.

Ok, NOW.

How about now?

Well, I'll get back here to update as much as I can, but I can tell already that I'm going to be so busy on the novel that I won't be here much.

Ok, NOW!