I thought I would see what kind of blog post I can write when I woke up at 6:00 Friday morning, worked until 6:00 Friday evening, took a two hour nap from 6:30 - 8:30, and then went to my second job at midnight. Its now 5:00 Saturday morning. This should be random...
I was sick again this week. I went to work Monday then had to go home for lunch. By the time I was done with my lunch, my stomach was cramping and I was feeling pretty ill. I didn't get off the couch for another two days, and both the girls got it. I am out of sick pay so between the flu last week and the tummy bug this week, I'm gonna be B-R-O-K-E.
It seems like my thoughts this week have been consumed with just two things (if you don't include trying to find the will power to not vomit). First of all, Kaemie has another volleyball tournament next weekend starting the 19th. Not a big deal, EXCEPT IT IS 10 HOURS AWAY! That's right, we have to drive to ANOTHER STATE for this tournment. Again, it probably would be fun IF SHE GOT TO PLAY! Her coach doesn't think she's good enough to play in the tournaments. Oh, she was good enough to be on the team and pay the $600 fee. But not good enough to play. We're both frustrated about this and I let the coach know it. He says I didn't pay him to play her, but I paid him to teach her. Whatever. It's not fun for Kaemie to go sit on a bench and watch eight hours of volleyball. And it's not fun for me to go sit on uncomfortable bleachers and watch people I don't know play. But I committed to going (I'm driving another girl to the tournament) so off we go next Thursday.
I'm also thinking a lot about Kenna's upcoming surgery on March 25. She is going to have both legs operated on to try and straighten out her foot positioning. Her left foot turns out, so they are going to do a tibial rotation where they cut the bone and reposition it and reattach it with screws and plates. Her right foot turns over so she is walking on the side of her foot, even in her leg braces, so they will probably end up doing a tendon release. I'm excited about the surgeries because I think they will help her, but I'm nervous. Nobody wants their baby to have surgery. Plus, Kenna wakes up from anesthesia MAD. I mean swinging and kicking mad. I better remember to tell the nurses to duck!
I had something else I wanted to write about, but I'm not thinking too clearly now. I'm not seeing real clearly now either because I've had my contacts in for about 24 hours.
Oh, yeah... both my kids are gone for the week. Kenna went to Arizona with my dad and stepmom. They're visiting my brother and his wife and kids (and NEW baby). Kaemie went to California with her grandma on her dad's side. I envy them the trips, but I am going to enjoy the time away. I'm sure I'll miss them - next week. Everyone keeps asking me my plans for while they are gone. Um... none. I still have to work and in fact I offered to work this extra shift tonight. So I'll have to sleep too. And I have to work extra hours at my primary job to make up for the two days we're closed for "spring break" that we don't get paid for and I don't have vacation time to use. My big goal is to get the book I'm reading done. And go through their messy room with HUGE trash bags. I hope they took the clothes they liked on their trips.
Ok, I think my brain just stopped, but I did figure out how the lack of sleep affects my blog posts. I used ALOT of capital letters.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Feeling Better Now

I am recovering from several days of suffering with the flu! I started sneezing last Saturday, worked Sunday with tissue stuffed up each nostril, and didn't move off the couch Monday and Tuesday. I started tasting food again Thursday after eating nachos with jalepenos.
For better news... Kenna's school had Pizza Bingo night last Friday. Sounds like fun, huh? We eat pizza then play BINGO! Simple concept, but it raises a bunch o'money for the school. (I'm getting in Leprechaun mode for St. Patrick's Day). Kaemie went to that elementary school, also, so I figured that was my eleventh Pizza Bingo. I won an emergency car kit one year, and a propane grill another year. This year, Kenna won zoo passes in a door prize drawing. Not bad for our little family! The best part of Pizza Bingo is that they cover the tables with paper and we get to color on them. I wish I'd taken pictures of our artwork, but I'll remember next year.
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