Poison still ROCKS!
I went to their concert at the Kansas State Fair this past Sunday.
I did this

more times that night than I've done in my whole life. My friend Jennifer went with me. I didn't take any pictures because I guess we were both so excited about going that we both forgot our cameras. Doesn't matter, I'll remember it for a long time, despite the four beers. I guzzled those pretty quickly so I could ROCK OUT without worrying about spilling them!
I felt old when Brett Michaels said that Poison has been making music for 22 years! Yeah, I probably saw one of their first concerts. 22. Years. Ago. It was my first rock concert (SHH... my parents think my first concert was Bon Jovi the following year). Then I felt really old when I woke up the next day and my knees hurt from dancing and jumping and my arms hurt from clapping and waving.
But, just so ya know... I ROCK AT CONCERTS!!!!

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