The chimps were slightly more active. I even made friends with one of them. He was in the outside part of his habitat, and he walked up to the glass where I was standing. He stared at me for a few minutes, and then he went to the indoor portion. I wandered in the building for several minutes, then went over to see the chimps. I sat down on a bench by the glass, and the same little chimp walked over and sat down by the glass right in front of me. I watched him for a while, then got up so some of the kids could see him up close. I sat down a couple of benches down. Eventually this same chimp saw me and walked over to where I was and sat down by the glass in front of me again. He pressed his lips to the glass and stared at me. I had to see what would happen, so I walked away again and sat down. A few minutes later, he followed me! He sat down again and put his lips on the glass again. I must say I was flattered. Here's a picture of me and my new friend!

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