Sunday, November 1, 2009
Oh! I Have Missed You!
Today is November 1, and you know what that means! Oh... you don't? Ok, November is National Novel Writing Month. Check it out at and find out all about it. The simple explanation is that it is time to WRITE A NOVEL - in thirty days. 50,000 words in 30 days. I've "participated" for three years and never succeeded. I hope to change that this year. Even without a computer. I'm hoping that working 3rd shift one night a week will give me about eight hours to get some writing done. Yup, that's why I started to blog again today - so I could procrastinate on THE VERY FIRST DAY! I suck. But here I go, I'm going to get started on this now.
Ok, NOW.
How about now?
Well, I'll get back here to update as much as I can, but I can tell already that I'm going to be so busy on the novel that I won't be here much.
Ok, NOW!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Should I Feel Safe With These Two? I Need My Brains Almost Every Day!

Kaemie reported to a local school on June 14 to continue performing as a Zombie extra in a locally produced movie. This day was not nearly as long as the previous shoots, although we are all learning that working on a move is a lot of "sit around and wait." She got her makeup done again and I think it is a compliment to say that she makes a beautiful zombie!

- then went to makeup -

Fun with Food
Gone Fishin'
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Today's Entree Is... BRAINS!

Some direction from the A.D. (that's Assistant Director for you non-film types). Craig was GREAT! He really took care of the zombie extras.
Practicing the Zombie walk!

Kenna had to get in on the act.
We are all getting a little loopy. Kaemie had been at the shoot location since 11:00 am. This is about 10:00 pm. We ended up staying until 3:00 am. We all looked like zombies by then.
Even Zombies text.
Back to make up for a touch up.
Purple Ducks - by Kenna

Sunday, June 7, 2009
Messages from a Zombie!
Eek. It's almost time.
How fun!
Right now I'm waiting for costume. They're gonna bloody me up and tear my leggings.
I got to shred my leggings. The guy said it looks like I died and mice chewed on me.
Lookin good. I just got dirtied.
It's scary here!
If you haven't guessed, Kaemie got a part in the movie she auditioned for. She will be a zombie extra. She won't be paid, but she'll get screen credit. I'll post pictures later! Here is a link to the films website:
and the creator's blog:
Kenna's "New Legs"
And... speaking of working two jobs... I've volunteered and been volunteered for some extra shifts. I finally thought about it and realized I have not had a day off since the Saturday before Memorial Day. Has that been two weeks? I don't even know.
Well, I am lying to you a bit, I did have the Tuesday after Memorial Day off, but I drove to Kansas City and back (three hours each way). That Tuesday, Kenna got her casts OFF! And not put back on!!!! She spent the next couple of days yelling "OUCH!" whenever I got near her. For background, Kenna was born with Spina Bifida. She has done well her whole life and has been able to walk with leg braces. Unfortunately, over the past few years, her left foot has turned out, and her right foot has turned over. She was basically walking on the outside of her right foot. This is the "long story short" part. I found a surgeon who scheduled the surgery as quickly as he could. He cut her left tibia and turned it so the foot was straight and pinned the bone back together. On her left foot he did that and also lengthened her tendons. She had temporary casts on for two weeks, then we went back and had those taken off and new ones put on. She spent two weeks in those and then we went back and she had x-rays done, the old casts taken off, and new ones put on. Those were on for a month. So... Yeah! No more casts.
After getting the casts off, Kenna and I went down to the orthotics shop and had her new leg braces casted. The following Friday we drove BACK to Kansas City to get those new braces. They are beautiful! I'll post pictures soon. Kenna tried to stand up, but she has been off of her feet for two months and her little legs just shook! But since then she is trying to walk and even going up and down the stairs to our apartment and at grandma and grandpa's house. She is much more pleasant to be around than she was the last two weeks of not being able to move on her own. She is finding her independence and spirit again and I'm being reminded of what a strong little girl she is. She starts physical therapy tomorrow.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Storms and Casts and Zombies, Oh My! - Random Tuesday Thoughts

So I haven't been blogging much because my computer at home was fried by a storm early this spring. But since my thoughts have been crazy and I can't focus on anything, I will use my lunch time today to be random.
Storms have been rolling through here several times a week. Last Friday's was intense. The thunder rattled the windows and sent the kitties racing around the living room, then back to the windows. Kaemie had to go outside to find a hail stone to bring in. Kenna cringed on the couch with each "boom," even with her big firing range ear plugs on.
Kenna gets out of her casts in one week! She still won't be able to walk until they make her leg braces, but she'll be about five pounds lighter. That won't make carrying her and climbing up and down the stairs to our apartment physically easier, but psychologically easier. I'm hoping it will change her attitude, too. I was hoping two months of being in leg casts would give her an appreciation for life and her family, but no. However, she has managed to learn to string the curse words she knows in to new and creative phrases. Lookin' on the bright side...
Kaemie is going to try out to be an extra in a movie being filmed here in town. She is auditioning to be a Zombie. She should be able to handle that.
I am working on my 101 in 1001 list. I've almost conquered the coffee machine.
I can't even focus enough to be random. This is all I've got today. Luckily there is always next Tuesday...
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Friday, April 3, 2009
Friday Fill In

1. Angel or not, I will tolerate no back talk!
2. You can not pressure me to be any way you want me.
3. As my mother used to say, you're full of yourself.
4. My legs don't work after I'm done working out or doing something strenuous.
5. Even in the most crowded of rooms I manage to embarrass myself.
6. Thursday is a day fraught with peril.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to a quiet evening, tomorrow my plans include hanging out with some friends, and Sunday, I want to get some laundry done!
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
My April Fool (or Kaemie Quote of the Week)
Then she told me that she could probably do her homework better if she was "on the pot." Luckily, I quickly discovered she didn't mean something like "smokin' the crack" because she told me that the toilet was one of her favorite places to be. I guess we all need to have our happy place.
And she let me know how excited she is about the school play she is in by telling me "I'm going to be the best drunken porter ever!" It's MacBeth, in case you're wondering. And, yes, I am so very proud of her.
They Got the Goat, Too!

Here she is in her long braces before the surgery. These go to her upper thigh and have metal pieces at the knees. They squeak when she walks so we have to have WD-40 on hand like the Tinman and his oilcan. The metal also tears up clothes, when we can find pants with legs wide enough to fit over the braces. And it takes Kenna a good chunk of time and energy to get these on. So even though she will continue to need leg braces for the rest of her life, she and I are hoping she will be able to walk in braces that go to just below her knees.

We stayed in the Ronald McDonald House near Children's Mercy Hospital. That is such a wonderful place. The people were nice and the rooms were comfortable. Each night we were there, a group or family volunteered to bring supper so we had great home cooked meals.
Children's Mercy Hospital is a great place to be if you have to take a child for medical procedures. The doctors and nurses explained everything to me, but they all included Kenna in their questions and answers. No child wants to have surgery, but I really think that Kenna felt like she was part of the process. Kenna was allowed to take a little stuffed goat that she received as a "Get Well" gift from her friends into the operating room. The nurse even put a name band like Kenna's wrist band on the goat's neck to identify it as Kenna's.
Kenna was incredibly brave. I knew she was scared, but she managed to hold back the tears until they wheeled her away from me to take her to the operating room. The nurses soon had her talking about school and her friends to distract her. My step mom and I sat in the waiting room long enough for both of us to run out of things to talk about (which does not ever happen). The nurse in the operating room called me to let me know that Kenna had fallen asleep and that the operation had started. She also called when they had finished the left leg and were starting on the right. Then the doctor came out when it was over and told us what he had to do and that it went well. Once Kenna was awake and coherent, we met her outside the OR at "Reunion Avenue" and followed her up to her room where she stayed overnight. Kenna and her stuffed goat had matching hot pink casts on each leg.
Kenna is home and recovering well.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
I was sick again this week. I went to work Monday then had to go home for lunch. By the time I was done with my lunch, my stomach was cramping and I was feeling pretty ill. I didn't get off the couch for another two days, and both the girls got it. I am out of sick pay so between the flu last week and the tummy bug this week, I'm gonna be B-R-O-K-E.
It seems like my thoughts this week have been consumed with just two things (if you don't include trying to find the will power to not vomit). First of all, Kaemie has another volleyball tournament next weekend starting the 19th. Not a big deal, EXCEPT IT IS 10 HOURS AWAY! That's right, we have to drive to ANOTHER STATE for this tournment. Again, it probably would be fun IF SHE GOT TO PLAY! Her coach doesn't think she's good enough to play in the tournaments. Oh, she was good enough to be on the team and pay the $600 fee. But not good enough to play. We're both frustrated about this and I let the coach know it. He says I didn't pay him to play her, but I paid him to teach her. Whatever. It's not fun for Kaemie to go sit on a bench and watch eight hours of volleyball. And it's not fun for me to go sit on uncomfortable bleachers and watch people I don't know play. But I committed to going (I'm driving another girl to the tournament) so off we go next Thursday.
I'm also thinking a lot about Kenna's upcoming surgery on March 25. She is going to have both legs operated on to try and straighten out her foot positioning. Her left foot turns out, so they are going to do a tibial rotation where they cut the bone and reposition it and reattach it with screws and plates. Her right foot turns over so she is walking on the side of her foot, even in her leg braces, so they will probably end up doing a tendon release. I'm excited about the surgeries because I think they will help her, but I'm nervous. Nobody wants their baby to have surgery. Plus, Kenna wakes up from anesthesia MAD. I mean swinging and kicking mad. I better remember to tell the nurses to duck!
I had something else I wanted to write about, but I'm not thinking too clearly now. I'm not seeing real clearly now either because I've had my contacts in for about 24 hours.
Oh, yeah... both my kids are gone for the week. Kenna went to Arizona with my dad and stepmom. They're visiting my brother and his wife and kids (and NEW baby). Kaemie went to California with her grandma on her dad's side. I envy them the trips, but I am going to enjoy the time away. I'm sure I'll miss them - next week. Everyone keeps asking me my plans for while they are gone. Um... none. I still have to work and in fact I offered to work this extra shift tonight. So I'll have to sleep too. And I have to work extra hours at my primary job to make up for the two days we're closed for "spring break" that we don't get paid for and I don't have vacation time to use. My big goal is to get the book I'm reading done. And go through their messy room with HUGE trash bags. I hope they took the clothes they liked on their trips.
Ok, I think my brain just stopped, but I did figure out how the lack of sleep affects my blog posts. I used ALOT of capital letters.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Feeling Better Now

Friday, February 27, 2009
Friday Fill In

1. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I screwed up.
2. Why do I have so many things to do and not one drop of energy to do it.
3. How does this damn coffee machine work, anyway?
4. Every morning, I put things that I don't get done on my "to do" list.
5. I consider myself lucky because I got to embarrass my kids tonight.
6. One day we’ll see tolerance.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to Pizza Bingo, tomorrow my plans include library, piano lessons, house cleaning, and work and Sunday, I want to hide!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
A Star Is Born